Community Preference Survey

The National Association of Realtors 2011 Community Preference Survey explores Americans’ wants regarding neighborhood characteristics such as proximity to parks and shopping, walkability, and commuting time, and the trade-offs in home type and size that people may be...

How Urban Planning Can Improve Public Health

Big-box commercial jumble, lifeless cul-de-sac subdivisions, urban sprawl, deteriorated downtowns, and traffic jams aren’t just sickening sites, but literally may be making Americans sick.  There is a growing body of evidence that suggests how places are designed and...

Walkability Raises Housing Values

A recent report, “Walking the Walk: How Walkability Raises Housing Values in U.S. Cities,” shows a positive correlation between walkability and housing prices in 13 of the 15 housing market studied.  The study used a Walk Score measure, which reflects the convenience...