During 2017 national Bike Month events in Newark, Del., “event-centric crowdsourcing” was used as a means to engage, disseminate, and collect information from stakeholders. Two events were targeted as opportunities to test crowdsourcing tools and protocols.
Downes Elementary School Bike-to-School Week
In conjunction with the Wilmington Area Planning Council’s (WILMAPCO’s) Safe Routes to School Program, a Bike-to-School week was planned to pilot and obtain public feedback on a pop-up, buffered bike lane demonstration project. Promoted via social media, feedback on the bike lane demonstration project was obtained from community members and parents of Downes Elementary School students during a community information meeting, an online survey, and via a crowdsourcing GIS Story Map.
Two Piktocharts were designed to summarize outcomes of the survey and crowdsourcing GIS tools for Bike-to-School Week, select the images below to interact with each graphic.
Survey Results: Casho Mill Road Pop-Up Bike Lane Demonstration Project
GIS Crowdsourcing Story Map Results: Casho Mill Road Pop-Up Bike Lane Demonstration Project
Newark Bike-to-Work Day
During the 2017 local national Bike-to-Work Day in Newark, Del., bicycle commuters road to the University of Delaware campus in teams with captain-led “bike trains.” The event included a team “challenge” through Motivate the First State, a campaign designed to inspire Delawareans to get active and make healthy activities count toward charity. The Plus3 Fitness App was tested as a source of crowdsourced data to be used for active transportation in Delaware.
Two Piktocharts were developed that summarize general activity and statewide cycling metrics in May 2017 and outcomes of a participant “exit survey.” Select the images below to interact with each graphic.
Newark, Delaware 2017 Bike-to-Work Day & Motivate the First State Challenge
Exit Survey Results: National Bike to Work Day in Newark